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Behind the Scenes with Hoppy: How 'Stink & Dutty' is Becoming a Global Phenomenon

Updated: Sep 22

Stink and Dutty
Caribbean Music Award (CAM) - Event of the year

Kwesi “Hoppy” Hopkinson, widely known as Hoppy, is a visionary force in the Carnival world and the second feature in our Carnival ICON series. With a charismatic presence and an undeniable passion for Caribbean culture, Hoppy is the mastermind behind some of the region’s most iconic events, such as Stink & Dutty and Duck Work. He is also the founder of the Scorch brand, which includes Scorch Radio and Scorch Magazine, making him a significant figure in both entertainment and media. Always pushing boundaries, Hoppy’s influence extends beyond the Caribbean, with plans to launch his brand in Dubai later this year, marking yet another milestone in his ever-evolving career.

Stink and Dutty, Circus Edition

Carnival season is synonymous with high-energy fetes, costumes, and memorable parties, and Stink & Dutty has quickly become one of the must-attend events on the circuit. Now expanding into North America, the event continues to grow in popularity. We sat down with Hoppy, the visionary behind it all, to discuss the journey of Stink & Dutty, its debut at Miami Carnival, and the exciting challenges of taking this beloved Caribbean festival to new global audiences.

1. Origins of Stink & Dutty

Q: Hoppy, how did the idea for the ‘Stink & Dutty’ event come about, and what inspired you to take it on tour across North America?

Hoppy: The idea was actually a combination of two events that were about to happen around the same time. SCORCH was planning an event called Stink with Voice and Air Committee, while Illusions already had a J'ouvert party called Dutty. We got on the phone to work things out, and I suggested we join forces and just have one big festival. That's when I said, "let's do Stink and Dutty!"

Taking it overseas was a natural progression. Just like with Duck Work and SCORCH Cruise, the diaspora asked for it to come to cities in the USA, Toronto and even to other islands. So, we listened.

2. Expansion to Miami Carnival

Q: What made you decide to bring ‘Stink & Dutty’ to Miami Carnival? How do you think this event fits into the Miami Carnival vibe?

Hoppy: Miami is one of the easiest and most traveled destinations for tourists, and we've been heavily involved in Miami Carnival for over a decade. It felt like the perfect place to start expanding the Stink & Dutty brand. After playing "pretty mas" in Miami, it's only fitting that you come the next morning and get "stink & dutty"!

3. Collaborations and Growth

Q: You’ve collaborated with many artists and brands through Scorch, Duck Work, and now Stink & Dutty. How have these partnerships influenced the growth of your events?

Hoppy: Definitely. One team, one dream—that’s always been SCORCH’s mantra. Collaboration is key. When you work with others and include different perspectives, the event becomes richer. Partnerships have played a huge role in our growth.

Hoppy at Stink and Dutty Trinidad
Scorch Team

4. Scorch Radio’s Role

Q: Can you tell us more about Scorch Radio and its role in promoting the Carnival culture and your events?

Hoppy: SCORCH Radio is our way of revolutionizing traditional urban radio in the Caribbean. With streaming and podcasts becoming more accessible, we wanted a platform with fewer interruptions. Our playlist format merges live DJs with little to no talking, which keeps the focus on the music. It’s youthful and inclusive, and our mission is to unify the Caribbean community through music.

Stink and Dutty
Hoppy and Voice the Artiste

5. Impact on Carnival Culture

Q: How do you see events like ‘Stink & Dutty’ impacting the broader Carnival culture, both in the Caribbean and internationally?

Hoppy: Inclusion is at the heart of what we do. We want to showcase Caribbean music and performers on world-class festival stages. Our goal is to be as big as other global festivals, like Tomorrowland. It’s all about raising our profile, elevating the standard of Caribbean creativity, and bringing it to world-class production levels.

Stink and dutty Trinidad
Stink and Dutty
Stink and Dutty Team: From Left Voice, Hoppy, Fram (illusions) Shane (Air) Larry (Illusions) Nicholas (Air)

6. Building a Carnival Brand

Q: You’ve built a strong brand in Trinidad and the wider Carnival circuit. What do you think are the key elements to building a successful Carnival brand?

Hoppy: First and foremost, Carnival is a spiritual and emotional experience. You must understand that to build a successful brand. The voice of the people is the voice of God—give them what they want, even when they don’t know they want it!

It’s all about providing great experiences and exceptional service. Don’t stay stagnant. And your branding has to be bold and clear. Never be afraid to push boundaries.

7. Challenges on the Road

Q: What are some challenges you’ve faced while taking ‘Stink & Dutty’ on tour, and how have you overcome them?

Hoppy: The biggest challenge has been adapting to different markets. Every location has different laws, venues, and suppliers. What’s normal in Trinidad might not be available elsewhere. Access to the elements we need isn’t always readily available, so it’s about being flexible and resourceful.


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8. Future Plans for Stink & Dutty

Q: Where do you see ‘Stink & Dutty’ going in the next few years? Any plans to expand to other international markets?

Hoppy: The sky’s the limit! We definitely want to take Stink & Dutty to Europe and Africa. Who knows, maybe we’ll even have one on the moon someday!

At this point, Hoppy mentioned the moon, and we couldn't resist imagining what that might look like. So, we turned to AI for a visual, and the result? Let’s just say we’re all for it. Check out the vibe below!

Stink and Dutty Moon Festival
Ai Concept Art: STINK & DUTTY Moon Festival 2045

Speaking of Ai did you read?

ChatGPT Top 5 Carnivals

9. Advice for Aspiring Event Producers

Q: What advice would you give to someone looking to start their own event in the Carnival industry?

Hoppy: Find your niche and build your base. Create a solid concept from marketing to execution, and you should see some success—but it’s easier said than done. Honestly, a little luck and timing are part of the formula too.

"You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take." - Wayne Gretzky

Stink and Dutty
Hoppy and Voice the Artiste - Stink and Dutty Team

10. Personal Favorites

Q: Of all the events you’ve been involved in, which one holds a special place in your heart, and why?

Hoppy: Stink & Dutty Trinidad in June, hands down. It’s where it all started. The summer one has now transformed into the Stink & Dutty Music Festival Week, and it has a special place because it’s ground zero. It’s where we started thinking big, outside of the Carnival season.

Trinidad Stink and Dutty Festival
Stink and Dutty Trinidad
Kalista for Illusion Mas Stink and Dutty Trinidad
Stink and Dutty Trinidad - Kalista

Final Thoughts: Stink & Dutty’s Growing Legacy

From its humble beginnings in Trinidad to its expansion across North America, Stink & Dutty has grown into more than just an event—it’s a movement. Hoppy and his team have built a brand that not only showcases the best of Caribbean culture but pushes the boundaries of what Carnival events can be. With plans for global expansion and a mission to unify through music, Stink & Dutty is on its way to becoming a festival giant.

Hoppy, continues to evolve the Caribbean Carnival experience, showing that with bold ideas, collaboration, and with a little luck anything is possible. Since interviewing Hoppy for this blog, he (Scorch) has launched DUBAI CARIBBEAN CARNIVAL

Hoppy From Trinidad
Carnival ICON - Kwesi "Hoppy" Hopkinson: The visionary behind Scorch Radio, Duck Work, and Stink & Dutty,

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